
Freelance illustrator and animator

You can find me here:

Please read my ToS before commissioning me!If you'd like to commission me please contact me on social media or via email. Links are on my home page.

  • Full Body: €160

  • Half Body: €130

  • Bust: €110

  • Sketch: €40-80~

  • NSFW: €170+

  • Animation: €30-40 per hour(negotiable based on details)

All prices are per character and may vary based on complexity.

1. Commission & Scope of Agreementa. Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement the Commissioner
commissions me to draw a work.
b. The commissioner understands that I have the right to refuse to be commissioned if I feel uncomfortable by the topic. We can discuss the limits. Some kinks and fetishes are fine but need to be discussed beforehand.
c. Commissioned work will not be used for malicious or ill intent.
d. Clients are not permitted, under any circumstances, to use any part of their commissioned artwork for non fungible tokens (NFTs). Use of the artwork for any advertising or profits associated with non fungible tokens or cryptocurrency is strictly prohibited.
2. Process & Pricinga. Please bear in mind that listed prices listed are simply standard. Prices are negotiable on
the grounds of how detailed the commission is. All prices are in euro.
b. Things that can affect the final commission price include but are not limited to:
Detail/Inclusion of background, excessive revisions(see next section), having more than
one character in a commission.
c. Full Body: €160 (+100% per additional character; the price may vary based on complexity)
d. Half Body: €130 (+100% per additional character)
e. Bust: €110 (+100% per additional character)
f. Sketch: €40-80 (Depending if more messy or clean and closer to lineart, colours, etc)
g. Prices for NSFW are negotiable based on what the commissioner wants but will mostly run about/over €170+ (for a single full body character).
h. Prices for Animation are based on set amount (depending on details) per hour(ie. €40/hr with estimate at 20 hours). Work is paid in increments of 5 or 10 hours in advance depending on prior negotiations.
i. Once an agreement is reached on price point a sketch will be produced. If the sketch of
the commission is approved by the commissioner then up to 50% of the total
commission price is paid up front. This 50% will cover the cost of materials and supplies
and is non-refundable.
j. Throughout the commission Work In Progress (WIP) and updates are sent periodically to
the commissioner to ensure quality and production of the commission.
k. For Animation the payment procedure is based on hours worked - first 10 hours paid upfront, and the rest depending on the payment plan agreed upon both the Commissioner and the Artist beforehand.
3. Revisions & Cancellationsa. The first two [2] revisions of a commission after the commission has begun are free.
b. If a revision is to be made please be sure to be as detailed as possible in what needs
revising as well as include any reference pictures if applicable to ensure a proper
c. If more than two revisions are required, depending upon the number of additional
revisions, total payment amount may need to be adjusted and discussed before further
work continues.
d. If a commission is near completion and the commissioner requests a large last
minute or several last minute revisions, the price point will also be adjusted to
e. I will not do revisions for sketch commissions.
f. If you wish to cancel a commission due to unsatisfactory progress or failure to properly
execute then all current files will be sent to you and the commission will be rendered
void. Refer back to Section 2, the upfront payment of the commission will not be
4. Completion & Closinga. Upon approval of final sketches by the commissioner the remaining payment will be due
before ALL final finals are sent.
b. The finished product will be posted on my social medias and applicable websites as part
of my portfolio and references for promotional purposes.
c. If the finished commission is found to be stolen, that is passed off as another
person’s/commissioner’s own work, discredited or used for ill intent I will take actions
necessary to right it.